Thursday, February 13, 2014


Despite my previous post being organized into two columns, this one will be formatted in rows! Hope no one like, freaks out or anything.

Drama/Romeo & Juliet

Disciplines include:
  • English (analysis of storyline, deciphering archaic English, etc.)
  • history (provides insight into 16th century England's culture & values; research on 14th century Italy required for costumes & set design)
  • psychology (interpreting characters' emotions; also improves empathy skills by literally putting yourself in your character's shoes)
  • public speaking (which, as I'm sure everyone knows, is according to polls scarier than death)
  • memorization
  • working as a team

Study of hiccups

Disciplines include:
  • human biology (study of hiccup mechanism, which involves several different organ systems, including nervous, muscular, respiratory, and digestive)
  • human evolution (hiccups are thought to be a remnant of ancestral regurgitation process that we never quite evolved out of)
  • chemisty/pharmacology (to prescribe medication)
  • application of scientific method
    • hypothesis of cause/cure -->
    • test (blood work, MRI, etc.)/perscription of medication -->
    • did it work? -->
    • restart from the beginning
    • repeatedly

Personally experiencing over two years of chronic hiccups have also brought me into the following disciplines:
  • psychology (individuals react to my hiccups in a variety of ways, including:
    • concern
    • pity
    • shock
    • utter consternation
    • mistaking them for something else [most common guesses are sneezing, choking, and seizure/random spazz-out]
    • laughing
    • turning really awkward
    • freaking out about how cute these girl's hiccups are [nice little perk]
    • suggesting that I drink water [luckily people don't do this often, because when they do I struggle to contain myself]
    • and FINALLY
    • acceptance [standard protocol has become saying "bless you," because it allows other people to acknowledge the hiccup without having to think of something original every time])
  • study of consciousness (one of the theories my doctors have given as to why I've had persistent hiccups with no apparent cause [even after extensive testing] is that it's a conflict between my conscious and subconscious minds [i.e. I'm too stressed and my subconscious is saying "Hey Lisa, quit your AP classes and calm the hell down" and I'm like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU'RE MAKING THINGS WORSE" and so the vicious spiral continues])

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