Monday, January 27, 2014

Lit Terms 4

That's right, we're officially over the halfway mark!

All definitions are from the lit terms pdf (which I actually still have on my computer from the summer before English 3).

01) interior monologue def: a form of writing which represents the inner thoughts of a character; the recording of the internal, emotional experience(s) of an individual; generally the reader is given the impression of overhearing the interior monologue
ex: Wow. So vocab. Such example. Very literary, much Advanced Placement.
30) inversion def: words out of order for emphasis [or to fit meter]
ex: Shakespeare does this a lot to fit iambic pentameter/to make sure the right words are emphasized; for example, "But soft! what light through yonder window breaks?" vs. "But soft! what light breaks through yonder window?" The second sentence's word order makes more sense, but in the first sentence the stresses are placed correctly. So, when inversion is used this way, it's basically sacrificing word order for correct stress/meter.
03) juxtaposition def: the intentional placement of a word, phrase, sentences of paragraph to contrast with another nearby
ex: Act I, Scene 5: "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine..." Romeo juxtaposes words like "profane" and "unworthy" referring to himself with the words "holy shrine" referring to Juliet in order to show great deference to her/compliment her.
04) lyric def: a poem having musical form and quality; a short outburst of the author's innermost thoughts and feelings
ex: how about the same scene as the above example! Blank verse isn't good enough for their love, R & J rhyme with themselves AND EACH OTHER! So romantic!!
05) magic(al) realism def: a genre developed in Latin America which juxtaposes the everyday with the marvelous or magical
ex: Bless Me, Ultima
06) metaphor def: an analogy that directly compares two different things imaginatively
ex: R & J Act I Scene 5 again, Romeo = a pilgrim, Juliet = a shrine
07) extended metaphor def: a metaphor that is extended or developed as far as the writer wants to take it
ex: yeah... Romeo and Juliet kind of go crazy with their pilgrim/shrine metaphor thing.... (getting my mileage out of this scene huh?)
08) controlling metaphor def: a metaphor that runs throughout the piece of work
ex: how about the room = hell in No Exit
09) metonymy def: literally "name changing" a device of figurative language in which the name of an attribute or associated thing is substituted for the usual name of a thing
ex: "White House" = "federal government"
10) mode of discourse def: argument (persuasion), narration, description, and exposition
ex: ?
11) modernism def: literary movement characterized by stylistic experimentation, rejection of tradition, interest in symbolism and psychology
12) monologue def: an extended speech by a character in a play, short story, novel, or narrative poem
ex: really? you're asking me for an example of a monologue? I can spit like 5 different Shakespeare soliloquies on command, try me
13) mood def: the predominating atmosphere evoked by a literary piece
ex: R & J has a sad/tragic mood, because (a) the chorus TELLS YOU they die at the very beginning, and (b) probably a good fifty percent of the lines are someone whining about something
14) motif def: a recurring feature (name, image, or phrase) in a piece of literature
ex: Romeo & Juliet: death
15) myth def: a story, often about immortals, and sometimes connected with religious rituals, that attempts to give meaning to the mysteries of the world
ex: Pandora's Box
16) narrative def: a story or description of events
ex: this is one of those things where there are so many examples you can't even give one
17) narrator def: one who narrates, or tells, a story
ex: in Romeo & Juliet, the Chorus is sort of a narrator, and Benvolio pitches in sometimes
18) naturalism def: extreme form of realism
ex: Call of the Wild
19) novlette/novella def: short story; short prose narrative, often satirical
ex: Our Twisted Hero (from Mrs. Byrne's class)
20) omniscient def: knowing all things, usually the third person
ex: if a narrative includes the inner thoughts of more than one character, it's third person omniscient point of view (as opposed to third person limited or first person)
21) onomatopoeia def: use of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggests its meaning
ex: POW!
22) oxymoron def: a figure of speech in which two contradicting words or phrases are combined to produce a rhetorical effect by means of a concise paradox
ex: jumbo shrimp
23) pacing def: rate of movement; tempo
ex: novels remade into movies often suffer from overly rapid pacing (cough The Golden Compass cough)
24) parable def: a story designed to convey some religious principle, moral lesson, or general truth
ex: The Tortoise and the Hare
25) paradox def: a statement apparently self-contradictory or absurd but really containing a possible truth; an opinion contrary to generally accepted ideas
ex: I was actually just thinking about paradox earlier today in reference to artificial sweeteners. The goal is to find some molecule that looks like sugar to the sweet receptors on your tongue (so it tastes sweet) but not to your intestines (so it isn't digested/you can't get the potential energy out of the molecule's bonds). That's a paradox (which is why no perfect artificial sweetener has been found).

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